How deep can we go before we end up back at the top?
Eventually, life always finds a way, but it may be a very different one from the one we had imagined. Perhaps, then, the key is not being attached to the outcome but to enjoy the process. And to place greater trust in the universe than in the end-goal.
Because ultimate truths shift; they’re flimsy as the winds.
Born 500 years ago, raised a Christian. Born now, raised a scientist.
Maybe the solution to our problems only appears when we march on with confidence, our desire in mind, unattached to the exact path.
Maybe then our intuition does the thinking for us. A part that is part of the whole, the one, that we ordinarily don’t have access to takes over.
What if we learn to tap into that part and let it guide us?
Even so, choices we must make, roads we must take.
But our fortune will not be determined by our decision, but rather by our ability to do absolutely nothing.
And in that nothingness find meaning.
And from that meaning springs action.
And it’s as clear as day what it shall become.
As clear as day.
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