The Power of Belief

You can’t achieve anything if you don’t believe it’s possible.
It’s not magic, energy, or a mystical law? It’s simply brain chemistry.

For if you didn’t think something was possible you would not attempt it in the first place.
Thus, it follows that you must first believe that that which you hope to achieve is possible.

The more you believe that such a thing is possible, the more it will become likely and then inevitable.
The more likely the outcome will become in your mind, the more directed and concise your actions will become; and the greater the result.

This is because believing first and acting second takes care of motivation entirely.
Never will you feel unmotivated to do something if you believe the outcome to be virtually guaranteed.
Thus, you will do more to achieve this outcome, making it more and more likely to materialize.

Thought to action, action to success.

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash


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