Divine Desire

I’m back in Germany now. After a month in the land of beautiful women and fine wine: Romania.

One could say my sojourn there was one of discovery, of exploration, but in fact, it was just my first step into darkness, into the unknown.

All I really did was follow a call.

What interests us in this world, beckons us. It captures our attention, our interest, and our imagination! And that, my friends, is a divine calling. Whether we then follow that call or not is completely up to us!

But how does something capture our senses, our being?

It’s almost like divine desire exists autonomously in this world and every now and then comes in contact with our own divine self. And once desire and the object of desire meet, all bets are off.

However, in some cases, we might not even realize that a certain desire is present within us; it has been there all along. But something or someone in the outside world kindles that spirit within us and enlightens our desire, inspires our being.

How often do we actually follow our gut, our intuition, our inner voice, no matter how quiet it may be…?

In modern society, rarely. There is no space, no time to be fully present with our innate capacity to connect to the divine spiritual substrate that surrounds us and underlies everything.

But here’s a fact: the more we listen to that voice, the more space we give it, the brighter it will shine through. Until it becomes our ally, our closest friend, our confidante.

So, this is simply what I’ve resolved to do: listen to that inner voice and follow it wherever it may lead me.

And apparently, where it’s leading me next is Argentina!

Here we go, land of the gauchos, steaks, and tango. This will be my third time visiting you. And don’t I know already that it will be the best one yet!?


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