Confessions of a Student of Life

“I am a student of life; nothing more, nothing less.”

As I wake up in this sun-drenched bed in the city of Buenos Aires my mind turns towards the beautiful things in life. And as I lay here, knowing full well that I should get up and get going, I simply remain.

I simply remain as I am in this present moment; there is nothing to do, nothing to accomplish today. How can this be?

All I want to do is get up and write, think about life and all its beautiful twists and turns (Odysseus, you come to mind), sit in contemplation, and spend my days in bright-eyed wonder.

But there, right there in a remote but present corner of my mind, a hushed sense of guilt floods my thoughts and clouds my otherwise impeccable morning: How can this be? You’re meant to work (whatever work may be), to be productive and efficient, a member of society.

And the only response I manage to come up with that puts my eager mind to rest is this: I am a student of life, eternally, and all is beautiful, all is good.

No other thought quiets my uncertain mind like that one. For a student of life is never rushed nor still, never hurries, never rests.

“Don’t hurry; don’t rest,” exclaimed Goethe.

But what did he know, that great German poet? Didn’t he himself spend all his life chasing impossible dreams and visions? Reinventing himself at 60 years old to impress a much younger lover?

Well, indeed! But what a student of life he was!

But here goes my true confession, my dirty little secret, if you will.
Thinking of myself as a student of life, I can do no wrong.

Every “failure”, every temporary absence of mind, every misstep just becomes another constant reminder of the many things in life I’ve yet to learn.

Grant yourself the permission to be a student again! To look into this world with wide-eyed wonder, to get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, to be led astray by your childlike innate curiosity.

“Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild…”

…and you will discover a world that is more beautiful than you could ever imagine.

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash


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