Dear Friends,
Some people say a man should reinvent his life every decade…
Well, I’m 31 now, and I suppose it might be time for a change.
I’ve spent the past decade thinking, writing, and agonizing over my finances.
How can I save enough money to invest? How can I invest enough money not to have to work?
I’ve written over 3,000 blog posts dedicated to this topic. And what do I have to show for it now?
Mild financial stability and a slightly broken heart.
My friends, it is time for something new, time to break out of old routines and habits, time to follow the call of your heart.
This call will be different for every single one of you out there — perhaps there is no call at all — but if you listen closely you might just hear a soft whisper in the distance, beckoning you to your next adventure.
For me, the call is to adventure, to travel, to women.
At heart, I have always been an explorer, curious about life, the game of money, our social interactions.
But now, this curiosity of the mind needs to become embodied, an integral part of my being.
And I cannot take one step further on this earth walking in the wrong direction.
The subsequent steps I take will all be into the unknown, into darkness.
More precisely, I have taken it upon myself to travel to South America this winter — and I don’t know when or if I will return.
South America is calling my name, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia — oh, you beautiful places full of sensuality and beautiful women.
What a dreamer, some might say! Who does he think he is? What does he hope to achieve?
Well, dear friends, if I knew that I wouldn’t have to go now, would I?
More to come soon, all the best,
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