Category: Cinematic
“Amidst the sea of stars, a solitary voyager embarks on a cosmic odyssey. Clad in the armor of determination, they traverse the velvet expanse, leaving behind Earth’s cradle for the infinite tapestry of space.” This is the 4th track from my Cinematic Eclipse EP.The story of the ‘Cinematic Eclipse EP’ is an interesting one: Originally,…
A Hero’s Sorrow
“Beneath the cloak of valor, in the chambers of a stoic heart, lies a Hero’s Sorrow.” This is the 3rd track from my Cinematic Eclipse EP.The story of the ‘Cinematic Eclipse EP’ is an interesting one: Originally, all of the tracks were composed about 8 years prior to release in 2015. After a long break…
“In the tapestry of existence, there exists a place untouched by the hand of fleeting hours, a realm known only as Timeless.” This is the 2nd track from my Cinematic Eclipse EP: Timeless.The story of the ‘Cinematic Eclipse EP’ is an interesting one: Originally, all of the tracks were composed about 8 years prior to…
Warrior From Heaven
“In the hallowed halls where constellations gleam, behold the Warrior from Heaven, a celestial emissary clad in armor of stardust and valor.” This is the 1st track from my Cinematic Eclipse EP: Warrior From Heaven.The story of the ‘Cinematic Eclipse EP’ is an interesting one: Originally, all of the tracks were composed about 8 years…