Category: Writing

  • Moonlight


    Old souls outside the windowand in my backyard.I usually pass by without notice, but todayI stopped.Hi, is everything alright — I said.Anguish.Yes –Stumbling on on gravel roads — Thanks. The rest passed in stillnessMy only companion — the moon.But only halfjudging me from afarlike you know what it’s like to be a human being on…

  • Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    When will we begin to realize that all the best things in life are those we consider least? And what a time we live in to actively have to fight for what’s true and good. In ancient times culture and tradition used to guide us on virtues, and now, it appears as though we must…

  • Deep Work

    Deep Work

    So, I’m sitting here doing deep work.At least that’s what I tell myself.Perhaps deep work actually requires more than just sitting still for prolonged periods of time. Is writing deep work?Is thinking?What is? And what does all of it matter without her?Perhaps someday I will understand the meaning of all this and it will be…

  • A Dialogue with Being

    A Dialogue with Being

    Could it be that everything is cyclical in nature? The effect is the cause, the cause the effect? Perhaps our minds can only perceive time in one direction, when in fact, the very act of perceiving is necessarily derived from before and after, a priori and a posteriori, internal and external. Can we then really…

  • Serenity and Passion

    Serenity and Passion

    How can both co-exist peacefully? One is firmly centered in the joy of present moments while the other chases a future of the heart. Perhaps serenity is a necessary prerequisite for a passionate pursuit; without grounding it loses its footing.In a way, our serenity and present contentment enable and sustain any prolonged pursuit of the…

  • When Way Closes

    When Way Closes

    When one way closes, another opens.Perhaps we are not truly seeking the life we are meant to live but rather the one we are unwilling to let go. But what does it really mean to be meant to do something?Some may call it God, others Nature. And yet both are saying the exact same thing.…