We can’t take our eyes off two things: Fire & Sexual Beauty.
The evanescence of a flickering flame, the wondrous contortions of the female body under the influence of pleasure. The ephemeral nature of it all draws out our innate desire for transcendence.
We so long to be connected to the divine, to be in communion with a spirit, something holy, just something to hold onto…
So, why are we now going through so much trouble nowadays to actively ignore and even negate beauty?
We denigrate and disparage beauty in art, architecture, and people. Sublime creations of art are cast aside and replaced with colored rectangles. And to what end? I believe the only reason to be this:
True beauty terrifies us.
It shakes our deepest core and exposes our inmost insecurities. It beckons the question within us: “Am I enough?”.
In light of this magnificent work of art, what do I as a sinfully inadequate human have to contribute to the fabric of this world?
But it also gives us permission to dream. An ideal to strive for! A glorious reward in the distance enticing us to pack up our things and venture out into a world fraught with peril.
Oh, but if you open yourself up to your dreams you simultaneously become intensely vulnerable. As vulnerable as a little kid who dreams of a better world.
Because, is it not way easier to stay where we are now? To not pursue that vision in our hearts? Yes, my friend, it certainly is!
But how hollow the world would be without dreams and those who dare to dream them!
A bland mixture of greyness, of lukewarm prophets, and of mediocrity.
So, because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16
So, onwards, my friends! Let’s reignite the passion in our hearts and dare to live a life of beauty. Because the world needs it more than we could ever imagine.
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