I just quit my job

I just quit my job.

And where am I headed? Into nothing, into nothing, my love.

To explore the world, I suppose, to explore myself, the depth of my being. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

But deep down I’m scared — aren’t we all? — that it might all crumble to pieces at any given moment. That this life I’ve built is nothing more than a mere facade, an unimpressive superfluous structure that lies over the truer structure of life itself.

Even if that is so and we will never be able to penetrate far into the depths of reality, what difference does it ultimately make?

Aren’t we all driven, called to explore, to discover the adventure of our lives? Whether we succeed in the end or not, is irrelevant.

And what does success mean anyway in the context of exploring life? Isn’t taking the first step into the unknown already success enough? Isn’t a commitment to finding out what we’re made just as good as the finding out itself?

Well, my friend, I started out typing not thinking I had much to say and look at me now several paragraphs later… still rambling on.

But let me get back to my opening line: I quit my job.

And it was a fine job: nice office, friendly colleagues, decent pay. What makes a man quit a job like that?

Only one thing: a calling of the soul.

And the knowledge that any further second spent in the tedium of the office will accelerate the path to my demise.

When your spirit is called into life, into the world. Every second not pursuing that call will feel like torture. Your soul yearning to go but your mind keeping it checked. This, my friend, is the root cause of all evil.

If we unabashedly listened to our deepest desires and yearnings, followed them with unshakable conviction and strength of heart, the world as we know it would cease to exist and give rise to paradise within.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” — Matthew 7:7

All we have to do is gather the courage to ask — just once — for what we truly desire and the universe will gather its might and conspire to make our dreams come true.


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