The Paradox of Comfort and Innovation

Isn’t all innovation’s root cause a human’s deep desire to feel less unhappy? Or in other words: does innovation occur in communities that have a deep sense of belonging and bliss?

If this was true, it is in the interest of modern society to keep us slightly dissatisfied with the state of our being in order to maximize productivity.

Because here the superficial values of emergent societies diverge. Maximizing human productivity does not necessarily correlate with overall well-being.

On the other hand, innovation and general productivity can also lead to a deep state of fulfillment. So, in the end, we might end up with a cycle that looks something like this:

Discomfort -> Innovation -> Comfort -> Stagnation / Decline

Perhaps all of this is also just a reflection of my own psychology rather than a general human observation, however, I tend to believe that our most personal problems also are a reflection of society at large.

Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash


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