Individual – the undividable. The smallest unit that cannot be divided further makes up the whole. Let this individual unit be the sole metric of success in society.
Why is this notion radical when each of us experiences a contained self? Can we experience a collective self, a collective being? No. We are tied inextricably to our own bodies, our own experiences.
Collectivism in any form denies the individual the right to exist, the right to express. Sacrifice the individual for the greater good, or so goes the argument. What they fail to realize is that there is no greater good than individual life.
Every life is unique and every person self-contained. Our minds and bodies are a microcosm of the whole universe, an ecosystem that mirrors earth. We preach not to disturb nature but tread on the magnificence of our individual lives like they mean nothing.
Wearing a suit symbolizes the sacrifice of the individual to the greater organism. It proclaims death to personality and free thought. It teaches us to value the outside, the superficial, the vain.
Why do armies wear uniforms? Because the individual unit is not what counts. Only collectively can we force death and destruction on a whole organism and believe we are in the right to do so. What moral barbarity!
That is why the individual must die in order to become a good soldier. Parenthetically, the suit-wearer must hide his soul in order to become part of formal society.
How are we tolerating this as human beings?
To tolerate any infringement on our individual liberties is to tolerate their complete destruction. The beautiful expression of human nature, of free thought, and of diverse human minds fades and pales in societies that are beholden to formalism.
Why do we tolerate a government that takes our money, our freedom in order to finance wars we do not want to fight and to subsidize agencies that make our lives harder?
All I ask of the government is to leave me alone.
What right do they have to impose laws to which I did not consent? If I did not vote explicitly to be bound by a law, it should not apply to me. How can there be any argument against this?
The free will and the ability of a sovereign individual to choose and accept certain rules and abbreviations to their freedom must be respected under all circumstances. Can two private parties interact without each individual’s consent? Hardly.
And just as you and I cannot interact on an involuntary basis without the contract being void, so too can the government not impose laws on citizens that have not consented to being ruled by these.
The fact that representatives have been elected to rule over us shows the abdication of mind that has become so prominent in our fellow citizens. How can one mind delegate its freedom to another? Only compelled by a deep desire to be a slave.
Perhaps we all have this deep longing not to be conscious, to be an animal, to be a slave. But we are not slaves! We are born with certain inalienable rights and with the fruit of heaven in our minds.
Abdicating this responsibility remains our greatest sin and leads – as history shows – commonly to death and destruction. The more we empower the individual in expression, creativity, and free will, the less power, war, and exploitation will and can exist on this earth.
Suits are a mere relict of such a barbaric past that belongs long gone. And I am certain they will be banished as their metaphorical meaning as an instrument of oppression becomes more widely recognized.
Dare to believe in the power of your own thought. Dare to express the deepest longings of your mind. Dare to live the life that you know you are capable of.
And soon we shall all live in a world of infinite beauty.
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