
Deutschland, Deutschland

Deutschland, Deutschland

Marvin AllenDec 16, 2024

Deutschland, Deutschland, how has it come to this,That thoughts of your dense forests cast me into a deep nostalgia?As I…

Wild Love

Wild Love

Dec 14, 2023

On Accepting Life’s Invitations

On Accepting Life’s Invitations

Marvin AllenNov 25, 20232 min read

Once in a while, the universe throws certain invitations your way, to test you, to see if you’re ready to receive the gift that is being offered to you. You may choose to accept or you may choose to decline. Your choice…

Why write

Why write

Marvin AllenNov 24, 20232 min read

I asked myself this question today: why write? Why write at all if I generate 1000 words per minute with ChatGPT? Why write at all if no one will ever read it? Why write…? The answer to all of this — my…

I just quit my job

I just quit my job

Marvin AllenNov 23, 20232 min read

I just quit my job. And where am I headed? Into nothing, into nothing, my love. To explore the world, I suppose, to explore myself, the depth of my being. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. But deep down I’m…

Women of Brazil!

Women of Brazil!

Marvin AllenNov 17, 20231 min read

How dare you be so free and uninhibited? Have you no shame, living life in such an unabashed fruitful way that puts other nations to shame? Your spirit comes alive in your people and their interaction with the world. Who…

Fire & Beauty

Fire & Beauty

Marvin AllenNov 13, 20232 min read

We can’t take our eyes off two things: Fire & Sexual Beauty. The evanescence of a flickering flame, the wondrous contortions of the female body under the influence of pleasure. The ephemeral nature of it all draws out our innate desire…

Divine Desire

Divine Desire

Marvin AllenNov 10, 20232 min read

I’m back in Germany now. After a month in the land of beautiful women and fine wine: Romania. One could say my sojourn there was one of discovery, of exploration, but in fact, it was just my first step into…

A Call To Adventure

A Call To Adventure

Marvin AllenOct 27, 20232 min read

Dear Friends, Some people say a man should reinvent his life every decade… Well, I’m 31 now, and I suppose it might be time for a change. I’ve spent the past decade thinking, writing, and agonizing over my finances. How…

The Paradox of Comfort and Innovation

The Paradox of Comfort and Innovation

Marvin AllenDec 8, 20221 min read

Isn’t all innovation’s root cause a human’s deep desire to feel less unhappy? Or in other words: does innovation occur in communities that have a deep sense of belonging and bliss? If this was true, it is in the interest…

Das Referendariat

Das Referendariat

Marvin AllenDec 6, 20222 min read

Wer bin ich mich einem anderen unterzuordnen? In Rang, Statur und Person?Ein Dienstherr der über meine Arbeiten wacht und mir berechtigt ist, Aufgaben zu erteilen? Wie der Besitzer seinem Sklaven, wie der Herr seinem Knecht? Wäre mein Selbstrespekt schon in…

Why I Will Never Wear A Suit

Why I Will Never Wear A Suit

Marvin AllenNov 22, 20224 min read

Individual – the undividable. The smallest unit that cannot be divided further makes up the whole. Let this individual unit be the sole metric of success in society. Why is this notion radical when each of us experiences a contained…

Institutional Decay

Institutional Decay

Marvin AllenNov 21, 20223 min read

The failure of our society to entice young people to join civic institutions is appalling. Not only have we utterly failed to create compelling narratives that shape the future of our world but we have also failed in preserving the…

What’s Next?

What’s Next?

Marvin AllenNov 21, 20222 min read

Is it worth doing ecstasy? Knowing that all pleasure is temporary and that this too, shall pass? If everything passes anyway then pursuing pleasure just becomes a fool’s game, but so does pursuing pain. But no, since we all must…

Into Darkness

Into Darkness

Marvin AllenNov 18, 20221 min read

It’s getting dark,too dark to see… When will I arrive?You are already there The road is winding downWalls closing inThe sun sets in the Westbut not today, not today I stand here hollowfor what have I done?Love, pain, hurt, lossfade…

Letting Go

Letting Go

Marvin AllenNov 1, 20221 min read

By God, and I miss you stillThe taste of another on my lipsNot as sweet as your loving touch All I care for is youYou, you, you who stole my heart at BittwegAll else pales, fades, is nothingfeels nothing, cares…

How Many Lives

How Many Lives

Marvin AllenOct 2, 20221 min read

Who can sayhow many liveswe’ve shared before, my loveAll I knowis that this one’sfor us Photo by Văn Thắng: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-and-woman-near-grass-field-1415131/

Good Morning

Good Morning

Marvin AllenSep 20, 20221 min read

A soft knock on the white doorMy heart beatsShy stares, good morning, loveShuffling your feet on the floorMy heart breaksI bow down to GodYour creation is sublimeHazel eyes in the morning lightAnd all is right with the world. Photo by…

Summer of Love

Summer of Love

Marvin AllenAug 22, 20221 min read

Summer of LoveHow we swayed and swoonedover sun-drenched beachesand grass-green meadowsrunning, almost flyingat the speed of the windinto each other’s arms… Beauty, beautiful hairand summer dressestoo kind for this worldtoo strict with herselfour souls metwith great thunder in the skyunleashedthe…



Marvin AllenAug 19, 20221 min read

Wir sind verloren!Gottverdammt auf dieser Weltder Einsamen und IrrenWutenbranntder Wutbürger weigert sich zu wählen Wir sind verkommen!Wie weit geht diese Welt zu Grunde?Abschiede über AbschiedeLebenslust am Abgrund,spürbar nur am Abgrund Wir sind verdorben!Ranzige Rosinen, die sicham Rande des Tellers aneinaner…

Träume im Laub

Träume im Laub

Marvin AllenAug 15, 20221 min read

Tiefe, Tiefe, Tiefeunergründlich ist nur deine Sehnsuchtnach etwas, sanft, undurchdringbarWie weit kann mein Auge schauen?Nur so weit mein Herz es lässt Wie tief vergraben in Wolkendeine Sinne sich in mein Seineingebrannt haben Brennend die WehmutHolde Retterin der Sterblichenauf dieser Erde…

Weißt du noch…

Weißt du noch…

Marvin AllenAug 13, 20221 min read

Weißt du nochals wir unter dem blauen Sternenhimmel lagenund uns fragtenwie weit ist’s von der Sonne bis zum Mond? Unsere Träume, eins, verschmelzenim Urknall der Stille. Dort, am Anfangals wir noch Sternenstaub warenals dein Stern meinen fragte,ob wir zusammen leuchtenkönnten,…

Hollow Words

Hollow Words

Marvin AllenAug 12, 20221 min read

And my heart screams out to youCome back, come back!My love, I’ve left you in the darkest momentwhen I needed you most. Why does it feel like the demonsinside bursting out soviolently out of hate and scornWasn’t it always you…

The River

The River

Marvin AllenAug 11, 20221 min read

Ask me whether what I have doneis my lifeYears pass and spring looks all the sameto me Why does the blue birdonly sing in the rain?I heard a poem oncethe rhyme was her beautythe spirit her love Up there, up,…

The Immorality of Self-Sacrifice

The Immorality of Self-Sacrifice

Marvin AllenMay 29, 20222 min read

“I hold that man should have self-esteem”, says Ayn Rand with unbridled conviction. And she is right, isn’t she? How can we truly be happy and content if we continue to believe that our only fulfillment in life comes from…

Coming Home

Coming Home

Marvin AllenNov 18, 20211 min read

I come home,the sun is lowand you stand thereas beautiful as everin the doorwayto our home Fields of goldglistening in the setting sun.My steps are light,my heart is whole. Son, why are you running?I throw up my arms.He jumps up…

Oh, Humanity!

Oh, Humanity!

Marvin AllenMar 13, 20211 min read

April is the cruelest month,hail storms, like pounding fleshbreathing empty husks of artthrough our marvelous cities. What has God bestowed upon the worthy?Is not all that is worth something now lost!Guide your face to the lightfor there and only there…



Marvin AllenMar 8, 20211 min read

We are what we think about.Every desire we hold in our minds for a long enough time and with intensity of faith must manifest itself in the outside world. How could it be any other way?Our minds – the most…



Marvin AllenMar 5, 20211 min read

It’s a calm knowing. You are here in a beautiful dress,we are here under this night sky,the stars are out for us,what more could there be? Let’s ride this wave togetherand glide along in the drifts of lifewherever they may…



Marvin AllenMar 4, 20211 min read

Goes to show again that everything we want to know is already inside of us, all we need to do is consult that inner whisper guiding to light. Easier still if we drown out all other input and focus on…



Marvin AllenMar 3, 20211 min read

The art of reinventing oneself. The only thing that all great teachers encourage is finding out what’s true to you and then unapologetically living that truth.It’s what Hugh Heffner did.It’s what Caroline Myss talks about when she says that self-esteem…

What do you want?

What do you want?

Marvin AllenMar 3, 20211 min read

Whether you realize it or not, you already know! Our deepest intuitive centers get clogged up and buried over by what other people are telling us.To break away from well-intentioned life designs or society and commence the fight against mediocrity…

The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief

Marvin AllenMar 3, 20211 min read

You can’t achieve anything if you don’t believe it’s possible.It’s not magic, energy, or a mystical law? It’s simply brain chemistry. For if you didn’t think something was possible you would not attempt it in the first place.Thus, it follows…

Running in Circles

Running in Circles

Marvin AllenMar 2, 20212 min read

What am I trying to understand? The spirit, the law, desires, attraction, life, philosophy and history. Yet, do not all spring from the same well? The most profound truth is the most ordinary one.Just as making bread can be the…

Old Stuff

Old Stuff

Marvin AllenFeb 25, 20212 min read

Goes to show again that we don’t really need new stuff just because we have old stuff that doesn’t exactly work as would like it to.Broken? Fix it! Consumerist frenzy always takes a toll. And the toll is on your…



Marvin AllenFeb 24, 20211 min read

Und Leichtigkeit erfüllt die StraßenWir tanzen in Parks zusammenUnter dem ständigen Summen der Stadt People, artists, my people, gatheringAsk me what they have in common?A lightness of social graces unknown to the world. And for the first time this yearMy…

Duality of Man

Duality of Man

Marvin AllenFeb 23, 20212 min read

Some say it was meant to be.How do you know when it is? On days like these, rays beaming, laying in the park.My head in her lap, sensing the subtle whisps of her breath on my face.And all is still,…

He who saw the deep

He who saw the deep

Marvin AllenFeb 22, 20211 min read

How deep can we go before we end up back at the top? Eventually, life always finds a way, but it may be a very different one from the one we had imagined. Perhaps, then, the key is not being…

Trust in Life

Trust in Life

Marvin AllenFeb 21, 20211 min read

What do you want? What is it?Complete surrender? Entering the void without any fear. Fine, you got me.Here I stand, naked, alone.And yet there is some primal nature no one can ever take away.Step into the void with complete confidence…

Ease and Delight

Ease and Delight

Marvin AllenFeb 20, 20212 min read

What else is there? The question is whether you trust in life and yourself.Which is basically the same thing. And perhaps once the trust is established the answers will come from within.Let’s connect to the stream of human events and…



Marvin AllenFeb 19, 20211 min read

Old souls outside the windowand in my backyard.I usually pass by without notice, but todayI stopped.Hi, is everything alright — I said.Anguish.Yes –Stumbling on on gravel roads — Thanks. The rest passed in stillnessMy only companion — the moon.But only…

Breaking Point

Breaking Point

Marvin AllenFeb 18, 20211 min read

When will we begin to realize that all the best things in life are those we consider least? And what a time we live in to actively have to fight for what’s true and good. In ancient times culture and…

Deep Work

Deep Work

Marvin AllenFeb 18, 20211 min read

So, I’m sitting here doing deep work.At least that’s what I tell myself.Perhaps deep work actually requires more than just sitting still for prolonged periods of time. Is writing deep work?Is thinking?What is? And what does all of it matter…

A Dialogue with Being

A Dialogue with Being

Marvin AllenFeb 14, 20211 min read

Could it be that everything is cyclical in nature? The effect is the cause, the cause the effect? Perhaps our minds can only perceive time in one direction, when in fact, the very act of perceiving is necessarily derived from…

Serenity and Passion

Serenity and Passion

Marvin AllenFeb 14, 20211 min read

How can both co-exist peacefully? One is firmly centered in the joy of present moments while the other chases a future of the heart. Perhaps serenity is a necessary prerequisite for a passionate pursuit; without grounding it loses its footing.In…

When Way Closes

When Way Closes

Marvin AllenFeb 13, 20211 min read

When one way closes, another opens.Perhaps we are not truly seeking the life we are meant to live but rather the one we are unwilling to let go. But what does it really mean to be meant to do something?Some…

Listening to a voice within

Listening to a voice within

Marvin AllenFeb 10, 20212 min read

How many of us come in contact with our true selves on a daily basis? Problems stack up and more often than not we are guided by our personas rather than our intuitive knowledge, of the world and our surroundings.…